There is no Copyright registration in Hong Kong. It is an automatic right and arises when a work is created.
Copyright is a property right given to the owner of an original work. It can subsist in :
(a) original literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works;
(b) sound recordings, films, broadcasts or cable programmes; and
(c) the typographical arrangement of published editions.
No, the exclusive right applies to Hong Kong only. It does not extend to China, PRC or Macau.
Design Patents protect only the shape and configuration of the products or articles. It does not protect the way or the features in which the product works.
A Patentee has the exclusive right to use, market, make and import the patented product in Hong Kong.
To obtain a Standard Patent in Hong Kong, an applicant must make a Designated Patent application, i.e., Chinese Patent application, United Kingdom Patent application or European Patent application (designated in UK). On the contrary, to obtain a Short-Term Patent in Hong Kong, an applicant can file an application in Hong Kong independently. A successful registration of Standard Patent will last for 20 years, but only 8 years for a Short-term Patent.
This depends on a number of factors including the complexity of the case, urgency and experience of the personnel.
If you take a civil action against the infringer, you may consider instructing a private investigator to collect more evidence before sending out a ceased and desist letter to the infringer. If the infringer refuses to co-operate, a writ of summons should follow. Normal civil procedure will apply thereafter. If the case is extremely urgent, you may apply for an interim injunction.
This depends on whether or not your trademark has been registered. If it is registered, you can rely on the Trade Marks Ordinance to protect your rights. If it is an unregistered mark, you may enforce your rights at common law.
During the opposition proceedings, both the Applicant and the Opponent (either by themselves or through their agents) can negotiate for settlement before the formal hearing.